Global config section

The global section defines properties of the running server that don't apply to a single virtual server. It should be enclosed in

Global config entities

cache max=NUM

Sets the maximum number of cached responses that will be held in memory. Each cached responses holds a minimal amount of memory. More importantly, each cached response holds an open file descriptor to the file with real content and an mmap()ed region of that content. phhttpd will start pruning the cache when it notices either of these two resources coming under pressure, but has no way to easily deduce that its running low on memory. The administrator may set this value to set an upper bound on the number of responses to keep in memory.

control file=PATH

This specifies the file that will be used to talk with phhttpd_ctl.

globallog file=PATH

This specifies the file to which global messages will be logged.

mime file=PATH

This specifies the file that contains the mapping of file extensions to MIME types. It should be of the form:
text/sgml                       sgml sgm
video/mpeg                      mpeg mpg mpe

timeout inactivity=NUM

Controls various network connection timeouts. 'inactivity' sets the amount of time that a connection can be idle before phhttpd will forcibly disconnect it. inactivity defaults to 0, which lets the connections idle until TCP timeouts take effect.


Enabling this option tells phhttpd to use sendfile() rather than write()ing from an mmap()ed region. Avoiding calling mmap() will shorten the amount of time it takes to build cached responses.