Topics covered in this section include:
Section 4.5.1 Installing Applications |
Section 4.5.2 User Applications |
Section 4.5.3 Server Applications |
Section 4.5.4 GUI / Window Managers |
Section 4.5.5 Multimedia |
Updated: November 1999. RPM is the RPM Package Manager. It is an open packaging system available for anyone to use. It allows users to take source code for new software and package it into source and binary form such that binaries can be easily installed and tracked and source can be rebuilt easily. It also maintains a database of all packages and their files that can be used for verifying packages and querying for information about files and/or packages.
RPM+Slackware, RPM+Slackware Mini-Howto
Updated: April 1998. How to get RPM installed and working properly under Slackware.
Software-Building-HOWTO, Building and Installing Software Packages for Linux
Updated: July 1999. A comprehensive guide to building and installing "generic" UNIX software distributions under Linux.
AI-Alife-HOWTO, Linux AI & Alife HOWTO
Updated: December 2000. Information about, and links to, various AI related software libraries, applications, etc. that work on the Linux platform.
Astronomy-HOWTO, Linux Astronomy HOWTO
Updated: August 2000. Document shares tips and resources to utilize Linux solutions in the pursuit of Astronomy.
Bzip2, Bzip2 mini-HOWTO
Updated: August 1999. How to use the new bzip2 compression program.
Commercial-HOWTO, Linux Commercial HOWTO
Updated: March 1999. A listing of commercial software and applications which are offered for Linux.
Emacs-Beginner-HOWTO, Emacs Beginner's HOWTO
Updated: October 1999. Introduces Linux users to the Emacs editor.
Emacspeak-HOWTO, The Linux Emacspeak HOWTO
Updated: December 2000. How a blind user can use Linux with a speech synthesizer to replace the video display.
Updated: November 1997. How to acquire, install and configure a powerful scientific public-domain Geographic Information System (GIS): the Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS).
IPMasquerading+Napster, IPMasquerading+Napster mini-HOWTO
Updated: April 2000. Present a way to allow users behind an IPMasq'd system to use Napster.
IRC, Linux IRC mini-HOWTO
Updated: January 2001. Describes the basics of IRC and respective applications for Linux.
LinuxGL-QuakeWorld-mini-HOWTO, LinuxGL (GLX) QuakeWorld Client compile mini-HOWTO
Updated: January 2001. How to get the OpenGL/GLX Linux QuakeWorld client compiled and working on systems with standard OpenGL hardware acceleration support.
Mail-User-HOWTO, The Linux Mail User HOWTO
Updated: December 2000. An introduction to the world of electronic mail (email) under Linux. Focuses on user-level issues and typical configurations for Linux home and small-business machines connected to the net via an ISP.
Mutt-GnuPG-PGP-HOWTO, Mutt-i, GnuPG and PGP HOWTO
Updated: February 2000. Briefly explains how to configure Mutt-i, PGP and GnuPG in its different versions (2.6.x, 5.x and GnuPG).
Updated: January 2001. Describes how to make Microsoft NetMeeting interoperate with Linux.
Quake-HOWTO, Linux Quake HOWTO
Updated: August 1998. How to install, run and troubleshoot Quake, QuakeWorld and Quake II on an Intel Linux system.
Sound-Playing-HOWTO, The Linux Sound Playing HOWTO
Updated: August 1998. Lists applications for Linux that play various sound formats.
Speech-Recognition-HOWTO, Speech Recognition HOWTO
Updated: November 2000. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) on Linux is becoming easier. Several packages are available for users as well as developers. This document describes the basics of speech recognition and describes some of the available software.
StarOffice, StarOffice 3.1 Mini-HOWTO
Updated: November 1999. Information on installing the StarOffice 3.1 Office Suite by StarDivision.
TeTeX-HOWTO, The teTeX HOWTO: The Linux-teTeX Local Guide
Updated: November 1998. Covers the basic installation and usage of the teTeX TeX and LaTeX implementation, plus auxiliary packages like Ghostscript.
TkRat, TkRat mini-HOWTO
Updated: September 1999. Geared toward anyone interested in using their Linux computer to send and receive Internet E-Mail.
Vim-HOWTO, Vim Color Editor HOWTO (Vi Improved w/syntax color highlighting)
Updated: December 2000. A guide to very quickly setup Vim color editor on Linux or Unix systems.
Updated: November 2000. Voice Over IP is a new communication means that let you telephone with Internet at almost null cost. This document covers how this is done.
WordPerfect, WordPerfect Mini-howto
Updated: August 1997. Discusses running WordPerfect on Linux, including a brief discussion on the WordPerfect 7.0 beta.
Xterm-Title, How to change the title of an xterm
Updated: October 1999. How to use escape sequences to dynamically change window and icon titles of an xterm.
Updated: June 2000. Helps install the Ingres II Relational Database Management System on Linux.
Oracle-7-HOWTO, Oracle 7 Database HOWTO
Updated: August 1998. A guide to installing and configuring the Oracle 7 Database Server on a Linux system.
Oracle-8-HOWTO, Oracle (8) for Linux Installation HOWTO
Updated: June 2000. A guide to installing and configuring the Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition for Linux.
PostgreSQL-HOWTO, Database-SQL-RDBMS HOWTO for Linux (PostgreSQL Object Relational Database System)
Updated: January 2001. A "practical guide" to very quickly setup a SQL Database engine and front end tools on a Unix system.
WWW-mSQL-HOWTO, A mSQL and perl Web Server HOWTO
Updated: September 1997. How to build a SQL client/server database using WWW and HTML for the user interface.
Updated: October 2000. A comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, and running Cyrus Imap and Cyrus Sasl.
Mail-Administrator-HOWTO, The Linux Electronic Mail Administrator HOWTO
Updated: January 2000. Describes the setup, care and feeding of Electronic Mail (e-mail) under Linux. Primarily intended for administrators.
Mail-Queue, Linux Mail-Queue mini-HOWTO
Updated: September 1997. Configuration changes necessary to make sendmail deliver local mail now; while stashing remote mail in the queue until "I Say So".
Mail2News, Mail2News mini-HOWTO
Updated: November 2000. How to feed a mailing list to a news server.
Majordomo-MajorCool-HOWTO, Majordomo and MajorCool HOWTO
Updated: November 2000. Intended to guide a user through an installation of the Majordomo Mailing List Software and MajorCool (utility for managing Majordomo lists via a CGI script).
Offline-Mailing, Linux off-line mailing method (offline mailaddr with 1 account)
Updated: June 1998. Use your linux mailing system offline, receive mail for multiple users with only one email address, and without being 24-24 online.
Qmail+MH, mini-HOWTO install qmail with MH
Updated: March 1998. Installation experiences to offer some help to other users who wish to use this combination for their email.
Qmail-VMailMgr-Courier-imap-HOWTO, Qmail VMailMgr and Courier-Imap HOWTO
Updated: April 2000. Building a mail server that will support virtual domain hosting and provide smtp, pop3 and imap services, using a powerful alternative to sendmail.
Secure-POP+SSH, Secure POP via SSH mini-HOWTO
Updated: September 1998. How to set up secure POP connections using ssh.
Sendmail+UUCP, Sendmail+UUCP HOWTO
Updated: May 1998. How to setup a single machine with no direct access to the internet to route mail for you via sendmail and UUCP to a 'smarter host' (eg. your ISP).
Sendmail-Address-Rewrite, sendmail address rewriting mini-HOWTO
Updated: May 1998. A brief description of how to set up sendmail's configuration file for the home user's dial-up access.
Updated: April 2000. Explains how to setup VMailMgr to support pop3 virtual domain services in conjunction with Qmail.
News-Leafsite, News Leafsite mini-HOWTO
Updated: January 1998. This will help you to configure a small leafsite for Usenet News using the free software package Leafnode.
Apache-Overview-HOWTO, Apache Overview How-to
Updated: September 2000. An overview of the Apache webserver and related projects. It provides pointers for further information and implementation details.
Apache-mods, Apache+DSO+mod_ssl+mod_perl+php+mod_auth_nds+mod_auth_mysql+mod_fastcgi mini-HOWTO
Updated: April 2000. Details the installation of an Apache based webserver suite configured to handle DSO, and various useful modules including mod_perl, mod_ssl and php.
Apache+SSL+PHP+fp, Linux Apache SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO
Updated: July 1998. About building a multipurpose webserver that will support dynamic web content via the PHP/FI scripting language, secure transmission of data based on Netscape's SSL, secure execution of CGI's and M$Frontpage Server Extensions.
Updated: January 2000. How to use ftp clients and servers
ISP-Setup-RedHat-HOWTO, "Pocket" ISP based on RedHat Linux
Updated: January 2001. Outlines the setup of a single RedHat box for dial-ins,virtual web hosting, virtual email, POP3 and ftp servers.
Intranet-Server-HOWTO, The Linux Intranet Server HOWTO
Updated: August 1997. How to setup an Intranet using Linux as the server which binds Unix, Netware, NT and Windows together.
Updated: January 2000. phhttpd is an HTTP accelerator. It serves fast static HTTP fetches from a local file-system and passes slower dynamic requests back to a waiting server.
Updated: August 1999. Information about setting up WWW services under Linux (both server and client).
TransparentProxy, Transparent Proxy with Squid mini-HOWTO
Updated: October 2000. Provides information on how to setup a transparent caching HTTP proxy server using only Linux and squid.
Updated: September 2000. Describes the steps and commands you can use to setup your own CD Server using Linux and some built-in Unix commands along with other freely available software packages.
Fax-Server, Linux simple fax printer server mini-HOWTO (faxsrv-mini-HOWTO)
Updated: November 1997. Describes in detail one of the simplest ways to setup a fax server on your Linux system.
Kiosk-HOWTO, Kiosk HOWTO
Updated: October 1999. Provides a guide for setting up a WWW-based kiosk using Linux, X11R6, FVWM2, Netscape Navigator 4.X, and a customized trackball.
Updated: September 2000. Information about installing, configuring, running and maintaining a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Server on a Linux machine.
Updated: November 2000. How to configure Linux as NIS(YP) or NIS+ client and how to install as a NIS server.
Tango-HOWTO, Tango 2000 HOWTO
Updated: July 2000. Describes the installation, configuration, and basic troubleshooting of Pervasive Software's Tango Application Server on Sun Solaris and various flavours of Linux.
Virtual-Services-HOWTO, Virtual Services HOWTO
Updated: August 1998. How to virtualize a service.
BackspaceDelete, Linux Backspace/Delete mini-HOWTO
Updated: December 2000. Solutions for having working Backspace and Delete keys on the console and on X.
Font-Deuglification-mini-HOWTO, XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO
Updated: October 2000. How to fix ugly and unreadable X Window fonts.
i810-HOWTO, i810 with XFree86 4.x HOWTO
Updated: January 2001. Describes getting XFree86 4.x running on Intel's i810 graphics chipset by using special features of the 2.4.0 kernel.
Intkeyb, How to setup international keyboard in X Windows
Updated: January 2001. This xmodmap and kimap solutions will work for you in setting up any international keyboard for (Debian, RedHat, Mandrake, Corel) Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and possibly every Unix that uses Xfree86 and KDE.
Updated: December 1997. LBX (Low Bandwidth X) is an X server extension which performs compression on the X protocol. It is meant to be used in conjunction with X applications and an X server which are separated by a slow network connection, to improve display and response time.
Remote-X-Apps, Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO
Updated: January 2001. How to run remote X applications.
X-Big-Cursor, X11-big-cursor mini-HOWTO
Updated: August 1997. How to use enlarged mouse cursors with the X window system.
XDM-Xterm, XDM and X Terminal mini-HOWTO
Updated: November 2000. Describes the basic ideas for using XDM to manage X terminals. It is not meant to be a comprehensive discussion of all the features of XDM, but a gentle introduction to what XDM can to for X terminals.
Updated: November 2000. How to setup XDMCP ( "X Display Manager Control Protocol").
XFree86-HOWTO, The Linux XFree86 HOWTO
Updated: August 2000. How to obtain, install, and configure version 4.0 of the XFree86 version of the X Window System (X11R6) for Linux systems.
XFree86-Touch-Screen-HOWTO, Linux Touch Screen HOWTO
Updated: October 2000. How to set up a touch screen input device under XFree86.
XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO, XFree86 Video Timings HOWTO
Updated: August 2000. How to compose a mode line for your card/monitor combination under XFree86.
XFree86-XInside, Linux XFree-to-Xinside mini-HOWTO
Updated: September 1997. How to convert an XFree86 modeline into an XInside/XiGraphics one.
Xinerama-HOWTO, Using the Xinerama Extensions to MultiHead X v.4.0
Updated: November 2000. How to configure XFree86 Version 4.0 with Multiple monitors and the Xinerama extentions.
XWindow-User-HOWTO, The X Window User HOWTO
Updated: September 1999. Information on configuring the X Window environment for the Linux user, as well as for the beginning system administrator attempting to sort through the many configuration options and details of X Window.
MGR-HOWTO, The MGR Window System HOWTO
Updated: May 1996. Information on the installation, configuration and running of the MGR Window System.
Font-Deuglification-mini-HOWTO, XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO
Updated: July 2000. How to fix ugly and unreadable X Window fonts.
Updated: March 2000. Provides a comprehensive source to act as a starting point for any and all font questions about Linux.
TT-Debian, TrueType Fonts in Debian mini-HOWTO
Updated: January 2000. How to configure a Debian system to use TrueType fonts for display and printing.
Alsa-sound, Alsa-sound-mini-HOWTO
Updated: November 1999. Describes the installation of the ALSA sound drivers for Linux.
Sound-HOWTO, The Linux Sound HOWTO
Updated: March 1999. Describes sound support for Linux (hardware, configuration, etc).
Sound-Playing-HOWTO, The Linux Sound Playing HOWTO
Updated: August 1998. Lists applications for Linux that play various sound formats.
Updated: October 2000. Describes the hardware, software and procedures needed to encode, play and stream MP3 sound files under Linux.
DVD-Playing-HOWTO, DVD Playing HOWTO
Updated: June 2000. A easy to follow explanation on how to get DVD movie play-back in Linux.
Updated: February 2000. Describes the hardware, software, and procedures needed to use a bt8x8 chipset based frame grabber or TV tuner card under Linux.